Never open these two messages

    Never open these two messages
    Internet Trolling – Tech Passion

    It goes without saying that the Internet has allowed tremendous progress to be made technologically in many areas.

    Not least payments, which nowadays credit and debit cards (as well as contactless payments or via an NFC chip on your smartphone) have made it possible to almost completely replace the use of cash, which nowadays is used more and more rarely in commercial establishments.

    As in all things, we must also consider the downside to progress, in the case of the Internet represented by phishing, scams (or attempts at fraud, if you prefer) carried out by means of the most common means of online communication, such as messages Email, SMS or use some links.

    It is precisely through these links, which the unfortunate poor person accesses in the service, that the fraudster manages to seize completely personal and sensitive user data, being able at worst to make online purchases on various e-commerce sites without his knowledge, even before Being able to block any card.

    In particular, today we are going to show you one of the last such cases, in order to avoid it and not to deceive the bad guys who prowl the web and beyond.

    One of the latest scams may consist of a file Mock prize contest organized by Peronito celebrate b Father’s day This year, scheduled for March 19 next. In particular, the scammers were sending a text within the WhatsApp application, which would allocate up to 2,000 refrigerators to celebrate this special and special occasion.

    The method of work

    We remind you that no company indexes contests using WhatsApp as a means of publication, and therefore it is advisable to avoid any type of similar communication, as it is always an attempt to scam at your own risk.

    To repeat this concept is the similarity to a similar occasion, in which honor (imaginary) Pandora was announced, to celebrate in this case the Women’s Day, set on the eighth of last March. Also in this case it was the same methods that we mentioned a moment ago, with sending a text message via WhatsApp, which hid the pitfalls behind it. Within the text there was in fact a link to click, by which the user was invited to pay the shipping fee for the so-called contest prize.

    Trolling for Father’s Day – Passionetecnologica

    Therefore, our final recommendation is to never provide your sensitive data, let alone your credit or debit card data, via WhatsApp or similar communication systems, as these are scam attempts.

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