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Netflix, the new series takes away your sleep: this is the future that lies ahead and you must despair: the robot’s nightmare is already real

Netflix, the new series takes away your sleep: this is the future that lies ahead and you must despair: the robot’s nightmare is already real
There’s a new Netflix series freaking everyone out (on the web) – www.themagazinetech.com

Netflix is ​​back talking about it, and this time, the platform’s users are really scared, terrified of what could happen.

And we are not talking about an extra one narrow on password account sharing. No, this already exists Netflix He has no intention, at least for now, of banning any post. Also because it would be ridiculous not to be able to view content on the platform in the same house with the same account.

And it’s not scary either Policy to ending from some TV series Which is also a huge success among the users. But Netflix shut them down, probably because expectations of them were so much higher. So he thought it was not profitable at all continuation from commissioning Wave Especially realize the second season.

But then what does that do afraid for my users platform The most used streaming platform in the world? Because they are afraid of future? the problem It is found in one new series Which gives users silly nightmares. Their mind is practically overwhelmed and they are not allowed to sleep.

They just can’t close eye. And it must be said that they are not entirely wrong. It really is a thing scary Which, if it will happen in reality, It would mean the end of the whole world andextinction affiliatehumanity. Let us see, then, together, which series it is and, above all, what obscure subject matter it deals with.

The new Netflix series scares all users: they fear the future that awaits them.

Well, yeah, the new series is scary. he is called killer robots And after a lot curiousity, is primarily responsible for sleepless nights And nightmares of users who started watching it. It’s a documentary that many really think about Frigid. It is a series divided into four episodes and tells about artificial intelligence and robots.

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Killer Robot: The New Netflix Series That’s Inducing Nightmares And Fear (Web) – www.themagazinetech.com

Or rather, talk about it Robot Powered byartificial intelligence. In the first episode we talk about a Machines Savior who, however, during the night invented ok 40 thousand new chemical weapons. A real nightmare for those who watched this episode. Memories that are now fuzzy ending.

For many, the end is very near due to artificial intelligence. There are many threats presented by the latter and no one will be able to sleep peacefully after watching this series. Nightmares are frequent and will recur. the Robot Powered byTo the They really do afraid For what they can do, for actions spiteful that they can commit and for wars They can fight.

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