Home entertainment Netflix opens in Rome in the second quarter of 2021, Variety

Netflix opens in Rome in the second quarter of 2021, Variety

Netflix opens in Rome in the second quarter of 2021, Variety

ROME, Feb 09 – Netflix is ​​on track to open its Italian base in Rome in the second quarter of 2021 and is committed to double production of its domestic original series by 2022. Period news and title is exclusive to Variety, secret so far. The live-streaming giant revealed it wanted to open an office in Rome a year ago, just before the pandemic, but the crisis slowed the opening. Now, the company has rented – Variety expects – a large neoclassical building in central Rome, called Villino Rattazzi, on Via Boncompagni between the United States Embassy and Via Veneto. The Netflix Rome office will open in the second half of this year and start with a team of 40 employees, ranging from marketing and PR to production executives. The goal is to double the number of Italian original series by 2022. Among the Netflix Italia titles due to be shown in 2021 is “Zero”, which will be the first Italian series focusing on the lives of young black Italians in post-production; “Fidelity”, from Missiroli’s novel, “Luna Park”, is set during the days of “La Dolce Vita” in Rome. Generation 56K, Strappare Along the Edges of Zerocalcare, while filming begins in Turin for a new Italian original series on Netflix titled Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts, based on the editorial success of Sylvia Zucca. The next biggest investment is the adaptation of Elena Ferrante’s movie “The False Life of Adults”, produced by Fandango by Domenico Brocacci, and which has been scheduled for delivery in 2022.

See also  Netflix: The story of how it became an unprecedented global hit


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