Netflixthe well-known streaming service, is preparing to embark on a new adventure, the adventure of live broadcasting: Meanwhile, after a process of transparency in terms of audience participation, Reed Hastings, co-CEO, said it was satisfied with the performance of your subscription with ads.
In recent weeks, with an agreement that began on November 1, in the UKNetflix, in order to be transparent to users, has informed that it will benefit from Barb (Broadcaster Audience Research Board),Non-profit company independentAnd To measure the audienceor to collect data about the number of views of its content.
Recently, during an interview with Variety on the occasion CES 2023Jeremy Gorman, global head of advertising at Netflix (with a former CBO at Snap Inc), revealed, without providing specific data on subscribers, that she was satisfied and not worried about the level of Advertising subscription from the platform. According to the CEO, at best, a layer with ads (about 4 minutes of advertising per hour) will help increase revenue while, at worst, it will not negatively impact revenue.
in other words, There are no internal competition concerns Between subscription tiers, with users of the more expensive tiers returning to the most basic level with advertising, there is a tendency to stick to the subscription that was originally subscribed to.
Turning to more concrete news for viewers of the platform, Netflix is starting to try its hand, after all the gamesalso in Live broadcast of events. It starts on February 26, thanks to a multi-year agreement that will allow the awards ceremony to be broadcast liveScreen Actors Guild Awards Ceremony (a kind of pre-Oscar) in which many actors will receive a coveted statuette with a dramatic mask for their performances in film and television. This year the event will be broadcast on the Netflix YouTube channel but from next year 2024, it will be broadcast globally through the Big N platform. On March 4, one of the shows will come live within Netflix One man show affiliate Comedian Chris Rock.