Home entertainment Netflix has a competitor: Free TV Streaming also in Italy

Netflix has a competitor: Free TV Streaming also in Italy


The Internet has changed the world. Even this TV. In recent years, the spread of demand on demand and flow has increasingly spread. all over the world. The rise of Netflix is ​​the most obvious example, but now the California giant of distributing movies, TV series and other paid online entertainment could have a competitor.

Pluto TV, landing in Italy on the wings of the enthusiasm of Spanish influence (Adobe Stock)
Pluto TV, landing in Italy on the wings of the enthusiasm of Spanish influence (Adobe Stock)

It’s called Pluto TV, A new broadcast channel Like many others, except that it will be a free service, with advertising by the ViacomCbs Group, a New York conglomerate born out of a merger between CBS and Viacom, which has (strong) interests in publishing, film, digital media and television. accurately.

After quickly invading the United States, landing in South America, and expanding to the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain, Pluto TV will also be available in ItalyStarting Thursday, October 28.

Pluto TV: It’s been a huge hit in Spain. “Ambitious goals also for Italy”

You have increased your broadcast TV viewing with Pluto TV (Adobe Stock)
You have increased your broadcast TV viewing with Pluto TV (Adobe Stock)

The livestreaming operation of media giant ViacomCBS intends to split. The new TV platform will be visible across the web and through the now-on-demand classic version, to which Paramount+ will be added from 2022, an always-streaming service, but that’s yes for a fee, with premium content.

“When we launched it in 2014 in the US, no one believed in its success because it was a linear product in the on-demand age and free in the age of subscriptions.” This is what Olivier Joulet said on Pluto TV: “We – Raad, Vice President and General Manager of Pluto TV International – Pioneering a new way to understand broadcasting“.

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The numbers prove that Pluto TV is true so far, Present in 25 countries with more than 52 million monthly active users, all over the world. “While many other indexes are based on algorithmic suggestions, we are moving towards view editing.” Speech by Jaime Ordanza: “We have a real team – continues Jaime Ordanza, Executive Vice President of ViacomCbs Southern Center – that thinks about the contents we offer and the interests of the audience, plus it opens us up to the possibility of creating partnerships and collaborations.”

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If you leave with 40 channels, slated to become 55 soon. You don’t have to sign up for any subscription, like Netflix but also Prime Video or NowTV. It is all available in a manner, without any registration. Easy and rich viewing made possible by a fast business model, ad-supported free TV or 4 breaks (non-skid) per hour of transmission. The situation is known and appreciated by the Italians. The group is entrusted to Sky Media. “We have ambitious goals for Italy – Ordanza guarantees – we expect the success achieved above all in Spain.”

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Cinema, of course: great classics, a local franchise. TV seriesOf course, such as Andromeda, Leverage, or the MacLeod Sisters and more you will discover as you progress. entertainment, common sense. There are MTV or Comedy Central productions included: From Riccanza to South Park, 16 and pregnant, not forgetting kids and teens (Super! Spongebob, Paw Patrol, iCarly). More music, documentaries and even sports, including poker.

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