Talking about his game in the official blog of Hello InfiniteAnd 343 industries He said that despite no invites sent out and no official date, the multiplayer beta arrives “by week“.
The studio invited everyone to sign up for the beta A الإصدار this is the address Where, through the game meta tag, you can become Halo Insider.
The technical beta version will be used by the studio to improve the game code and start fixing some bugs, mastering More of servers and better balance in view of the launch, also mysterious, at the end of the year.
In fact, the multiplayer of Halo Infinite will be very different from the past: it will be FreeCross-play (between Xbox and PC generations) and perpetual battle tickets. In terms of experience quality, 343 Industries said this technical test will be midway between Alpha and Beta and will confirm all game systems and gather as much information as possible.
In fact, players will be able to experience the new way to move, fight and play in Halo Infinite and developers want to understand how veterans and novices will interact in the new stadium they have created.
According to 343i, they do exist hundreds of thousands From the players who have queued up to try out the game and can’t wait to see if they can host them all and what they think of this highly anticipated game.
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