Home World Members of the European Parliament banned in Bosnia. Farnesina: “The difficulties...

Members of the European Parliament banned in Bosnia. Farnesina: “The difficulties have been overcome”

  Members of the European Parliament banned in Bosnia.  Farnesina:

PD members of the European Parliament went to visit the Bosnian refugee camps and were banned at the border. At the end of the day, the situation was resolved. They are now in Bihac, with the help of Ambassador Minassi, they already have a briefing on the migrant situation with the International Organization for Migration and some NGOs active in this field. The newspaper Farnesina announced that the difficulties had been overcome thanks to the intervention of our embassies in Zagreb and Sarajevo. The mission includes a visit to refugee camps in Croatia and Bosnia until January 1.

the story

Members of the European Parliament condemned what happened today on social media before the diplomatic intervention. “We are hundreds of meters away from the border with Bosnia however The police prevent us from continuing at an impromptu checkpointBrando Benevi tweeted a few hours earlier, who, along with colleagues Berfrancesco Majorino, Alessandra Moretti and Pietro Bartolo, entered the Bojna Forest on the border between Croatia and Bosnia.

Instead, Piero Bartolo wrote, who confirmed in another tweet: “He stopped by the Croatian police long before the border with Bosnia. Checking the borders is our right, it is our duty.” Behind this bar yet Croatian policeWe are not allowed to proceed. That is, four members of the European Parliament, in the exercise of their functions, are not allowed to see the borders of Europe with their own eyes.“.

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“It is a very dangerous and unprecedented, unworthy episode – Bartolo said toAdnkronos – What was beyond that limit of the cops? What should be hidden from our eyes? Above all, if this is the attitude towards four members of the European Parliament followed by three journalists, then it is legitimate to ask what is happening away from the cameras, on the borders of Europe, towards those people who are only looking for a better future for themselves and for their children? “.

Secretary Dame Nicola commented on the incident on Twitter Gypsies, VerdictVery serious That the Croatian police prevented the delegation of European Parliament members in Bosnia to inspect the refugee camps. ”Late in the evening, the case was resolved.

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