MBBS at 23? The average is over 4 years old

     MBBS at 23?  The average is over 4 years old

    To give us a percentage of its results is an analysis by the Skuola.net portal, based on the latest AlmaLaurea 2022 report which shows, among other things, the average age at which university finishes in Italy, distinguishing between three-year degrees, two-year master’s degree and one course .

    Medical degree not ‘the longest’

    Indeed, it would suffice to look at data on only the longest-running degrees – and those in medical health in particular, such as Carlotta’s – to discern the differences between them and the general student body. Who has to face a course lasting 5-6 years, on average, can discuss the thesis over a period of 27 years. Turning more specifically to educational fields, the one-cycle master’s degrees that require more time are literary humanities, which are those in cultural heritage preservation and restoration, graduating on average at the age of 28. Medical, surgical or dental students, although the legal duration of the course is six years, do so in less time, in line with the overall average of 27 years. For the record, at the University of Milan Vita-Salute S. Raffaele for a student who ended up on the front pages of newspapers, the average lifespan for the longest-running score is certainly lower: 25.5 years.

    The course for law graduates (five years) is a bit shorter: they graduate an average of 26.8 years. In the agriculture, forestry and veterinary sector, one reaches a one-cycle degree at about 27.8 years, in educational sciences at about 27.7 years, in architecture and civil engineering at an average of 27.3 years.

    Master’s degrees: two years or “one course” that changes slightly

    Similar dynamics are recorded in the two-year master’s degree courses. Moreover, even these, in theory, expire after five academic years. In fact, the average age of qualification, taking into account all disciplinary sectors, is 27.1 years. A slightly worse outcome compared to one-cycle master’s degrees can depend on having to prepare a thesis for a three-year degree and on any pause between the end of one course and enrollment in the next.

    Among the two-year master’s degrees, the “fastest” are those obtained in economics courses and in industrial and information engineering courses (in both cases, the average is 26.4 years). The most “demanding” are courses in the legal sector (average reached 30 years), followed by those in the field of medicine, health and pharmacy (29.1 years), then education and training courses (28.5 years). Years). Among them, MA in Literary Humanities (28.2), MA in Art and Design (28.2), MA in Architecture and Civil Engineering (27.7), MA in Social Policy and Communication (27.7), degrees in Exercise and Sports Science (27.1) and those in Science Self (27.1). Degrees in languages ​​take an average of 26.9 years, for those in IT and ICT 26.8 years, for those in the agriculture, forestry and veterinary sectors 26.7 years, and for those in the sciences 26.6 years.

    Proportionately more time is needed for three years

    As mentioned, it is finally interesting to note what happens in the three-year coursework. Here, in fact, if we take the average of all disciplinary sectors, then the average age of qualification is 24.5 years; One year more than the student who graduated from the University of Milan. Looking at individual fields, those who take first place are Industrial and Informatics Engineering students, with an average graduation age of 23.8 years; No matter how taller than Wonder Girl is.

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