Home World Maturity 2021, credit for internal candidates. Converting the third and fourth...

Maturity 2021, credit for internal candidates. Converting the third and fourth year

  Maturity 2021, credit for internal candidates.  Converting the third and fourth year

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Final State Examination for Second Cycle of Education 2020/21, How to proceed in awarding the fifth-year school credit to internal candidates. Third and fourth degree credit transfer.

Exam 2020/21

Due to the epidemiological emergency, the second-class state examination is performed like 2020/21 with the tests, Admission Requirements And the final evaluation despite the provisions of Legislative Decree 62/2017 and is governed, only for the current academic year, byOhm n. 53 as of March 3, 2021, Issued under Law No. 178/2020 and Law No. 41/2020.

L ‘Exam Consists of Only an oral exam Which is divided into four parts:

  1. Discuss a paper related to the characterization of majors;
  2. Discussion of a short text, already the subject of study in the teaching of Italian language and literature or the language and literature in which it is taught, during the fifth year and included in the May 15 document;
  3. An analysis, by the candidate, of the materials chosen by the sub-committee, while discussing the conceptual issues that characterize the various disciplines, as well as their interdisciplinary relationship;
  4. Submission of the candidate, possibly through a short report or a multimedia detail, of the PCTO experiment conducted during the study, only in the event that this experiment could not be included in the detail referred to in point 1.

The final vote

The final score is expressed in hundreds and is the result of the total score Attributed to Interview (Ie exam) – max 40 points – Those are profSchool Credit Requirements – Max 60 points. Pass the exam by achieving the minimum score Sixty cents (60/100).

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Transfer of school credit

The new and transitional form of the merit examination leads to an increase in the score attributed to school credit, compared to that provided for in Table A attached to Legislative Decree 62/2017, credit that passes 40 to 60 points.

Accreditation is granted for the fifth year and is transferred to the third and fourth years by the Chapter Council in the final ballot, in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of OM 53/21 mentioned above.

Credit transfer for the third year

The Transferring the school credit granted for the third year On the basis of Schedule A in Appendix A to OM 53/2021:

The transfer should be performed with reference to both the average scores and the credit obtained (low or high level of credit range). So, for example, if Student A. A balance of 11 points, with an average of 9, The correct option would be to award 17 points in the course of conversion. In the event that the student gets a score of 9

Fourth year credit transfer

The Transferring the academic accreditation granted for the fourth year On the basis of Schedule B in Appendix A to OM 53/2021:

The conversion should be done with reference to both the average scores and the earned credit (low or high level of credit range; see example above but with naturally different values). The conversion must be done yetAny complementarity referred to in Article 4 paragraph 4 of OM 11/2020.

In fact, we remind you that according to In conjunction with OM 11/2020 and Note 8464/2020For the 2019/20 season only:

  • Admission to the next semester is also expected in light of insufficient assessments;
  • In the case of an average of less than six-tenths, a balance of 6 is attributed (or rather has been attributed), without prejudice to the possibility of its incorporation into the final ballot for the 2020/21 academic year;
  • The integral cannot be (or rather cannot be) greater than one point.
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Ultimately, in the final ballot, the class council can merge with a maximum of one point the balance of 6 points awarded to the fourth category in 2019/20 in the event of promotion by an average of less than six-tenths, and thus be credited with a maximum of 7 points. Once done, you can proceed with the conversion.

Credit allocation for the fifth year

Attribution From school credit for the fifth year On the basis of Schedule C in Appendix A to OM 53/2021:

Teachers of Catholic religion and alternative activities of students who have benefited from teaching religion or alternative activities, respectively, fully participate in the allocation of school credit.

The Class Board, in the context of allocating school credit, also takes into account the knowledge elements previously provided by any expert teachers and / or teachers, which the educational institution uses to expand and enhance the offer.

special cases

In credit allocation processes, there may be special cases, such as those mentioned below, always subject to the aforementioned Article 11 of OM 53/21:

A) In the four-year courses, school credit is attributed at the end of the second, third and fourth semesters. Transfer of the balance of the second class and the third class is done on the basis of tables A and B above respectively. Class IV credit is made on the basis of Schedule C (see above);

B) In the event that the study course is shortened by merit, the study credit is attributed by the class council, for the fifth class who did not attend, to the expected maximum of it, which is equivalent to twenty-two points;

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C) For internal candidates who do not have school credit for the third semester or fourth grade, in the final ballot of the fifth class, the class council shall assign the lost credit on the basis of Table D (below), based on the results achieved, as the case, in terms of suitability and promotion, or Based on the results achieved in the preliminary examinations taken in previous school years as external candidates for the state examination:

D) For students who attend the fifth semester, as a result of the admission announcement by the State Examination Committee, the school credit is attributed by the class council to the extent of 11 points for the third semester and 12 additional points for the fourth grade, if you do not attend. If the student has eligibility or promotion to the fourth semester, the credit earned is allocated based on eligibility or promotion for the third category, in addition to twelve additional points for the fourth class.

Maturity 2021: Internal commission, document May 15th, maximum. Guides, regulations, tips and videos [SPECIALE]

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