Second Cycle Final Examination 2020/21, Interview: The assessment must be conducted using the national network provided by the Ministry of Education. Let’s see what knowledge and skills to ascertain and how the aforementioned network is organized.
Exam 2020/21
The final state examination for the second cycle of education 2020/21, due to the epidemic emergency, is taken with the tests, Admission Requirements And the final evaluation despite the provisions of Legislative Decree 62/2017 and is governed, only for the current academic year, byOhm n. 53 as of March 3, 2021, Issued under Law No. 178/2020 and Law No. 41/2020.
L ‘Exam Consists of Only an oral exam.
The final score is expressed in hundreds and is the result of the total score Attributed to Interview (Ie exam) – max 40 points – Those are profSchool Credit Requirements – Max 60 points. Pass the exam by achieving the minimum score Sixty cents (60/100).
The exam interview is divided into 4 parts:
- Discuss a paper on characterization of majors [individuate negli allegati C/1, C/2, C/3 rispettivamente per Licei, Istituti Tecnici, Istituti Professionali]
- Discussion of a short text, already under study in the teaching of Italian language and literature, or the language and literature in which it is taught, during the fifth year and included in the class council document submitted by 15 May
- An analysis, by the candidate, of the materials chosen by the sub-committee, while discussing the conceptual issues that characterize the various disciplines, as well as their interdisciplinary relationship;
- Submission of the candidate, possibly through a short report or a multimedia detail, of the PCTO experiment conducted during the study, only in the event that this experiment could not be included in the detail referred to in point 1.
Through the discussion on the paper and the text under study in the teaching of Italian language and literature, through the analysis of the material of the commission and the possible exposure of the PCTO experiment, the committee confirms that the candidate:
A) Has acquired the contents and methods of individual disciplines and is able to use the acquired knowledge and put it in relation to each other for discussion in a critical and personal manner, as well as using a foreign language;
B) It will be able to critically analyze and relate the experiences conducted within PCTOs with the course of study followed and the educational, cultural and professional profile of the course attended, with reference to the general course followed, bearing in mind the critical importance of the pandemic emergency;
C) Acquire the skills and knowledge required by civic education activities, as defined in individual majors.
Evaluation Network
The interview is evaluated, with the aim of ascertaining the above, through the national network prepared by the Ministry of Education.
The network offers five indicators that naturally indicate the knowledge and skills to be ascertained; Each indicator is divided into five descriptors, corresponding to several levels related to the degree of acquisition and possession of knowledge and skills, and each of them has a voting squad:
To the first three pointers – ”Acquire the contents and methods of the different curricular disciplines, with special reference to those of the titles “;”The ability to use the acquired knowledge and relate it to one another“;”Ability to argue critically and personally, and to reformulate acquired content “- Each maximum of 10 points is awarded.
To the last two pointers – ”Wealth and lexical and semantic proficiency, with specific reference to technical and / or sectoral language, also in a foreign language“;”The ability to analyze and understand reality in terms of active citizenship, starting with thinking about personal experiences“- A maximum of 5 points are awarded for each.
The Maximum degree The attribute is 40 points Which, added to the earned academic credit score, gives the final score.
The score is awarded by the entire subcommittee, including the chair.
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