Marina Zanchi, Director of the European Agency for Health and Digital, based in Bergamo

    Marina Zanchi, Director of the European Agency for Health and Digital, based in Bergamo

    the interview

    Since last April, she has been a new Director of HaDEA: “The new challenge of relaunching the European Union is at stake on these two issues”.

    Europe is stronger and more aware, the one that is re-emerging after the Covid experience; Europe, which has proven its ability to deal with emergencies, but, despite not being structurally prepared for the challenge of such a pandemic, which made the whole world unprepared, has managed to respond and today is betting on recovery, starting with research and innovation. She is convinced of that Marina Zanchi, new Bergamo Director for HaDEA, the European Commission’s Health and Digital Executive Agency, which was established in February 2021 as the operational arm of the Commission to implement and finance projects involving two strategic sectors for the growth of Europe and its member states. A living organism that organizations, institutions and companies learn to look at From now until 2027, it will issue bids to finance projects with a total value of €20 billion.

    It is very important – he says – that we start again from Europe. The confrontation against Covid was a test of strength that yielded tangible results. Coordination of a joint response at the European level has allowed us to contain the spread of the virus and at the same time support national health systems without, of course, any interference from European institutions. We, for example, are also working on the idea of ​​reducing the economic impact, because we are well aware that the pandemic has also affected the economy and society. Therefore, support is necessary not only for hospitals, but also for businesses and families. Already in 2020, after the first wave, the Head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, had spoken of a European health union, sparking lively debate. The idea was for a healthier Europe that would allow member states to work together to respond to emergencies that had no borders and instead needed a collective response. This approach of coordination and cooperation is considered one of the priorities of the Authority: We want health systems to be efficient, resilient and accessible to all. The priority is to protect the health of citizens“.

    “HaDEA is the smallest agency on the panel and has been evaluated by President Von Der Leyen to devote more attention to health and digital”

    “To be more effective – Zanche concludes – the Commission has for years restructured its modus operandi, creating implementing agencies specifically to implement policy and strategic guidelines, and to fund projects. HaDEA is the youngest and was wanted by President Von Der Leyen to devote more attention to health and digital: It is also necessary to strengthen connectivity and digitize health systems. By creating synergies between digital health and food safety, the impact on citizens is certainly stronger.”

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