Made of double plastic, more sturdy and infinitely recyclable and suitable for many uses

    Made of double plastic, more sturdy and infinitely recyclable and suitable for many uses

    Let’s try to imagine a material that is very similar to plastic, light and heat-resistant, comfortable and long-lasting. But with a big difference: the possibility of it being recycled indefinitely, thus eliminating the uncertainties associated with plastic and its easy and immediate conversion to waste. The biodegradable alternative bears the signature of Colorado State University chemists. It is a polymer that can be converted back to its original molecules without much difficulty and an infinite number of times. The end of environmental problems? Perhaps considering the lack of use of toxic chemicals or extensive laboratory procedures.

    Polymer is the disposable solution

    As the American researchers emphasized, in the study “Synthetic polymer system with repeatable chemical recycling potential” published in the journal Science, polymers can be chemically recycled and reused indefinitely. The polymer can then be recycled in its original state under laboratory conditions using a catalyst and without purification processes. But also without solvents and at room temperature. As we read from the pages of science, the material has a high molecular weight, thermal stability, crystallinity and mechanical properties similar to plastic. With a long list of additional benefits.

    All while sticking with the British government’s campaign to curb the spread of plastic continues, illustrating how the need to change roads is being felt. This time it was six large supermarket chains operating in the UK – Aldi, Lidl, Morrison, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose – that said yes to the environmental cause or the eventual abolition of plastic packaging between now and 2025. A total of 42 supermarket affiliates. It should be noted that in this context, Coca-Cola, Asda, Marks & Spencer and Procter & Gambles have said they are ready to change product packaging and make it recyclable.

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