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“Luca has been betrayed”: This is the latest hypothesis about an ambush in the Congo


hypothesis betrayal It began to be taken into account Immediately after the ambush. Luca AtanasioAmbassador to the Congo He was killed in North Kivu on Monday With carabiniere Vittorio Yakovachi And the driver Mustafa MilamboMaybe he was betrayed by someone who knows his whereabouts.

As was indicated above Republic, Also Easy H Ross They are directed in this path. In the days leading up to the deadly attack, Ambassador Atanasio was in the city of BukavuIt is located on the western shores of Lake Kivu. Here he visited the Xaverian expedition, an important reference in the region for the humanitarian field.

In Bukavu someone might have known about the diplomat’s subsequent moves. To support this hypothesis, Luca Atanasio’s wife betrayed Luca by someone close to us, from our family – she said Zakia Seddiki it’s a Prophet – It was his operation that morning and did not directly refer to his job as an ambassador.

So not everyone can tell of his move to the national park in VirungaWhere the ambush occurred after that. The assignment was from the World Food Program (Wfp), Atanasio was traveling with the caravan and then attacked not only as an ambassador but also as someone very attentive to the humanitarian aspect.

The day before the attack, the diplomat arrived in Medina an eraserCapital of North Kivu Province. On the morning of February 22, he drove along the road to Rutshuru. With him, in an unarmored jeep, is the carabinier Vittorio Iacovaci, another Italian and three Congolese, as well as the driver, Mustafa Milambo.

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Around 8:30, Luca Atanasio wrote to his wife: “We wrote to each other on WhatsApp – Zakia, my friend always advertised on IlMessaggero – he always did, he sent me two pictures in just a few minutes. After twenty minutes he repeated the same phrase he said To me when we weren’t together: I love you baby and miss you. He was calm and smiling. “

Not visualize Dangerno feelings Warning: In those letters addressed to his wife, there did not seem to be any particular references. At 8:49, Luca Attanasio’s last recorded entry is on Whatsapp. About an hour later The ambush Then the result is fatal.

An act that may have surprised the ambassador himself. The latter was well aware of the dangers of operating in an unstable country. After all, the Democratic Republic of the Congo was experiencing internal conflicts and tears that had not been fully healed in decades. In 2018 Atanasio Farnesina was asked to increase accompaniment, Then not granted.

However, at the same time, there were no signs of danger directed towards his person or towards Italian targets. So demand for a new one Armored car Sent a few weeks ago, according to his wife’s report, it is not related to increased insecurities but rather to mechanical problems of the previous car.

Then we return to the original betrayal hypothesis. Luca Atanasio was not in danger, as the convoy he was traveling in was ambushed by criminals looking for Westerners to kidnap them to request ransom. Criminals may have been warned by someone who knew the ambassador’s whereabouts.

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But the question is on safetyHowever, in the course of investigations, it is not destined to come second. Athanasius was not in danger as an ambassador but as a western citizen he was a potential target for kidnapping. The coming weeks of the investigation will focus on why his accompaniment to Virunga was not strengthened.

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