Libya, 300 mercenaries loyal to Haftar crossed at the request of Paris – Ultima Ora

    Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele - Ultima Ora

    (ANSA) – Tripoli, November 11 – The return of three hundred “mercenaries and foreign fighters” active in the areas of eastern Libya controlled by Khalifa Haftar “at the request of France”, which will host tomorrow a conference on Libya. This was announced by military sources linked to the strongman of Cyrenaica who fought against Tripoli.

    Representatives of Haftar’s forces said in a statement that the leadership of the Libyan National Army decided to leave the country for an initial group of 300 mercenaries and foreign fighters, adding that they made this decision “at the request of France.” .

    The statement came from representatives of Haftar’s camp in the “Libyan Joint Military Committee (5 + 5)”, a five-member structure of the Libyan government based in Tripoli and five members representing the east: a group responsible for implementing the ceasefire agreement signed between the two parties in October 2020 ( Ansa).

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