“Nine Perfect Strangers” is an exciting mini-series filmed in the beautiful and famous Byron Bay, Australia, and starring Australian actors, including Nicole Kidman.
Australian author Lianne Moriarty’s book that inspired him, as the protagonist, had to not change the setting even if the story in the series, in theory, takes place in Big Sur, in Northern California.
The story sees a group of nine characters, completely different from each other and unknown to each other, who go for it Luxurious wellness center The dream site, very selective, promises to revive its customers in just ten days.
To manage the center from the attractive name the quiet house, is a mysterious Russian woman, who looks like a wooden dwarf and has a dark criminal past, Masha, who is assisted by three loyal assistants, the spouses Delilah, Yao and Zoe. After a while, guests of the resort will begin to doubt how to care for this exotic place.
league”Nine perfect strangersFilmed in New South Wales, in the so-called Northern Rivers region, popularly known as the ‘wellness haven’ of hippie communities. Fans of the series can truly book a stay at the Tranquilium Collection. With 22 acres of pristine rainforest and ultra-modern architecture, guests will feel at Soma Resort As if they had fallen into one of the dangers, without the drama.
A large 16 seater dining table and ten bedrooms give guests the privacy they desire. Yoga dome, Zen garden with fire pit to find your center in the most boogie way possible.
The resort’s exterior scenes are set on a very impressive site, a farm called Lune de Sang not far from Soma, while the cliff-diving scenes at the stunning Killen Falls are set at a site called Ballina.
If you are a fan of the series, plan a trip to this part of Australia as soon as possible.
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