Knee pain when bending, walking or climbing stairs can be related to this condition

    Knee pain when bending, walking or climbing stairs can be related to this condition

    In the course of our lives we can experience different types of pain, more or less intense, but all of them are responsible for severe discomfort. Indeed, when something hurts us, we have difficulty moving and doing it requires effort and suffering. This is the case, for example, when we wake up with Stiff and sore backa feeling that often leads to severe disability.

    Joint pain doesn’t hold us back any less. Among the joints that hurt us most often, the knee certainly occupies a prominent place. Sometimes it may be due to gout and increase To reduce uric acidIn this case, it will look swollen and red in color. However, the causes may be the most diverse and differ in some characteristics.


    To understand why you feel upset we have to look at the circumstances in which you grew up. Pain in the knee when bending can be associated with a specific disease. In this case, it can be manifested by straining it, for example when kneeling or squatting. It can get especially worse when we go up or down stairs.

    Likewise, it can also occur when kept at rest. It can also affect both knees. The pain will affect the front of the knee, under the kneecap or specifically on the sides. Other symptoms can be swelling as well as trauma to the affected knee. If we find ourselves with what we’ve seen so far, our problem may be there Patellar chondromalacia.

    Knee pain when bending, walking or climbing stairs can be related to this condition

    Chondromalacia patella may be a condition in which there is wear and tear of the cartilage attached to the patella, which is what allows the knees to flex. There could be many factors behind this situation. In fact, in adolescence, it can depend on hormones and resolve on its own. However, shocks and excessive loads, as well as long distances, can also cause the problem.

    Overweight and obesity also affect patella deformities. If you suspect you have chondromalacia, it would be a good idea to contact your doctor to investigate and get a specific diagnosis. Then the same would be to recommend potential pain relievers and direct us to specific physical therapy, as he deems necessary, clearly.

    To prevent this disorder, it will be important to perform exercises for the legs, especially to strengthen the thigh muscles. In addition, in the case of sports, it can help not to overstep, use compatible shoes and initial stretching exercises.

    Suggestions for reading

    When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, here’s where it will hurt and how you should sleep normally to calm the pain

    (The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is in no way a substitute for medical advice and/or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or prescribing treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to seek an opinion Always read the warnings related to this article and the author’s responsibilities that can be referenced. here”)
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