Killer Instinct: New updates and servers, is Microsoft preparing to relaunch the series?

    Killer Instinct: New updates and servers, is Microsoft preparing to relaunch the series?

    There was, these days, a to update it’s interesting killer instinctwhich brought an update to the game and the beginning of the game Migrate to new servers For Xbox and PC, which also indicates the possibility Series relaunch by Microsoft.

    To tell the truth, the latter is just speculation, but in the meantime, let’s see the actual innovations that Xbox Game Studios and Iron Galaxy have made in the last few hours: first of allto update To version 3.9.30917.1.290283, which however does not bring any changes compared to before, in terms of contents and game features.

    Due to this update, the developers warn that there could be a longer loading time than normal in the first game after the update, possibly also a “Refreshing DLC ​​Timeout” message but it all goes with the patch and the team advises that you still select “Wait” for sync completion.

    So there are no obvious changes, other than some bug fixes, but the idea that emerges from this update is that Microsoft wants to keep supporting Killer Instinct for a long time to come. Where, as I mentioned before An official message from Iron Galaxy and Xbox Game Studiosthis winter we will celebrate Tenth anniversary From Killer Instinct (the version released on Xbox One), one would think that there might be some news coming from Microsoft.

    On the other hand, as already mentioned, this seems to be the year of fighting games, with the arrival of Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 1 and Tekken 8, and thus the return of Killer Instinct, possibly with a new chapter designed specifically for Xbox Series X | sIt could be particularly good.

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