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Kabul, Non-Profit Organization Pangea: “We are burning all documents so as not to endanger the lives of thousands of women and children we have helped”

Kabul, Non-Profit Organization Pangea: “We are burning all documents so as not to endanger the lives of thousands of women and children we have helped”

The burning of all documents helped “not to put the lives of thousands of women and children at risk” during nearly 20 years of humanitarian work at the site. over there Pangea Only Foundation, a non-profit organization that operates a Acceptance With many projects including Project Jamila To help disadvantaged women and children in the first place, he posted a video on Facebook in which some women destroy all documents collected in their working years. “We burn everything so that nothing endangers the lives of the tens of thousands of women and children we have helped and are helping. Today today is focused on this in Kabul while from Italy the work continues so that as many women and girls as possible can be saved. Let’s not leave them alone, don’t leave us alone !”, the caption reads. Compulsory measure after the entry of the Taliban militia into the Afghan capital and the abandonment of the country by US forces.

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