Home Tech It will be mandatory from August 5 – Corriere.it

It will be mandatory from August 5 – Corriere.it

It will be mandatory from August 5 - Corriere.it

Text of the decree to be approved by the Cabinet: Certification of bars when eating them on the table

green scroll obbligatorio With a dose of the vaccine in indoor restaurants, in places where it is taken at the table, to attend cinema and theater screenings, to participate in sports events and competitions, to go to swimming pools, gyms, as well as to fairs, festivals, conferences, amusement parks, game rooms and to participate in competitions. Change parameters for passage in risk ranges. over there Draft Decree That was clarified to the heads of the region by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and Regional Affairs Maria Stella Gilmini. After approval, the text will reach the Cabinet, which will have to approve it in order to enter into force tomorrow.


In restaurants, it will be necessary to present the green certificate to both customers and employees. Likewise in indoor pubs when eaten at the table.

The new parameters

Minister Speranza explained that to pass in the yellow zone, the signal will be at least 10% of the places occupied in intensive care and 15% in the medical field. It turns orange 20% intensive care and 30% medical field. For red 30% are in intensive care and 40% are in the medical field.

tampons at low prices

In order to launch the Green Corridor with the tampon, we envision a way of giving the tampon not for free but at cost, and instead have prices controlled especially for children and people who cannot get vaccinated due to health reasons.

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Jul 22 2021 (change on Jul 22, 2021 | 17:29)

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