It takes $110,000 to upgrade a character to the max, according to estimates –

    It takes $110,000 to upgrade a character to the max, according to estimates -

    According to the calculations Immortal Diablo And a video published by the Pillar News channel in favor of personal maximization In the free-to-play title, Blizzard is almost needed $110,000Or ten years of gaming in case you don’t want to put your hand in your wallet.

    As stated in the Bellular News video, Diablo Immortal allows players to earn Legendary Gems to enable. These represent one of the three pillars behind progress, as well as the level of equipment and experience. Currently, players who play for free have very little chance of getting the best gems with the resources available, and even those who decide to spend money don’t have the mathematical certainty of getting one of the rare highest rates until after spending a lot. amounts.

    As shown in the video, gems with a rarity between three and five stars, and therefore the best, can be obtained mainly through the Legendary Emblem (ie Diablo Immortal Loot Chests), which in turn can be obtained mainly through microtransactions. However, “Pity” (i.e. a mechanic that guarantees an object of the highest rarity after a certain number of attempts) is set at 50 legendary peaks. spending $ 100 You can only get 45 loot chests, which indicates how much luck or money it takes to get a gem of the highest quality. And in all this, it must be borne in mind that the character can equip up to 6 gems.

    For these reasons, according to the calculations made in the video and by the community, about $110,000 is needed for a personal “minmax” at best (obviously it could be less depending on the luck factor), or About ten years of playing.

    However, it must be said that optimizing the character to the full is not absolutely necessary to enjoy the content that the game offers, which is currently fun even without your hand in your wallet. Moreover, it is not excluded that in the future Blizzard will not decide to review the bonus balance.

    Diablo Immortal is available on computers and mobile devices for iOS and Android. As we said in our testing, the game offers solid gameplay and plenty of content, but inevitably the presence of microtransactions made many players like it.

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