Istat: +35,000 employees in October, +390,000 employees annually – Economy

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    In October 2021, the number of employed reached 22 million 985 thousand, an increase of 35 thousand units in September and 390 thousand units in October 2020. The Statistical Institute indicates this, confirming that the growth in employment per month concerns only men (+ 36 thousand). Even on a trend basis, growth relates primarily to men with an additional 271,000 employees (+ 118,000 women). On a trend basis, growth is mainly related to men with an additional 271,000 employees (+ 118,000 women). The employment rate is 58.6%. Compared to January 2021, the increase exceeded 600,000 workers and is attributed exclusively to the resumption of employment. Compared to pre-pandemic levels (February 2020), the number of employees is about 200,000 fewer.

    The employment rate is 58.6%.

    Compared to January 2021, the increase exceeded 600,000 workers and is attributed exclusively to the resumption of employment. Compared to pre-pandemic levels (February 2020), the number of employees is about 200,000 fewer. The unemployment rate in October rose 0.2 points during the month, to settle at 9.4%. Compared to October 2020, it decreased by 0.6 points

    The decline in the self-employed continues: In October there were 4 million 920 thousand units, down 9 thousand units in September and 132 thousand units in October 2020. In January 2020, before the pandemic, the freelancers were 5 million and 267 thousand, thus 270 thousand more than in October 2021 while Before the 2008 economic crisis, as of October 2007, they were 1 million (5.9 million).

    In October 2021, compared to the previous month, both the employed and the unemployed grew while the inactive decreased. In two months there is an increase of 140 thousand employees. The increase in employment, which affected men only on a periodic basis, – confirms Istat – includes employees and people aged 15-24 and over 50 years old. The employment rate increased to 58.6% (+0.1 points). Growth is essentially term-limited with 20,000 more permanent employees from September and +384,000 for the year. The growth in the number of people looking for work (+ 51 thousand units compared to September), which was observed for both men and women, includes those over 24 years old. And the unemployment rate rises to 9.4% (+0.2 points), although it drops among young people to 28.2% (-1.4 points). The decrease in the number of inactive people aged 15-64, recorded in October compared to the previous month (-0.6%, equivalent to -79 thousand units), is generalized by gender and age group. The idle rate drops to 35.2% (-0.2 points). Comparing the August-October 2021 quarter with the previous quarter (May-July), an increase in the employment level was observed by 0.2%, with an increase of 42 thousand units. The growth in employment recorded in the quarterly comparison is associated with a decrease in the number of job seekers (49 thousand units) and inactive persons (-33 thousand units). After the recovery in employment, which was observed between February and June and starting from September 2021, the number of employees increased by 1.7% from October 2020 (+ 390 thousand units); There are still negative differences recorded for the self-employed and for workers aged 35-49, but only in the latter case because of the demographic component. In fact, the employment rate rose – by 1.2 percentage points – for all age groups. Compared to October 2020, both the number of people looking for work (-139 thousand units) and the amount of inactive people between 15 and 64 thousand (-425 thousand) decreases, the latter value having increased exceptionally until the onset of the health emergency. . Compared to pre-pandemic levels (February 2020), the number of employees is about 200 thousand; The employment rate, equal to 58.6%, decreased by 0.1 points, the unemployment rate decreased from 9.7% to 9.4%, while the idle rate, which is now 35.2%, is 0.4 points higher.

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