Isola de Famosi, an outcast agent who attacks Alvin: “You’re only there because…”

    Isola de Famosi, an outcast agent who attacks Alvin: “You’re only there because…”

    Andrew DiCarloa well-known VIP manager and Arisa’s ex-boyfriend, lashes out hard Alvin. In the agent’s stable there is also Natalie Caldonazzo and Gian Maria Signatowho are part of the cast of L’Isola dei Famosi 2023. According to Di Carlo who also looks after the interests of Wanda Nara in Italy, among many things, Ellary Blasey’s envoy It wouldn’t be fair to his Honduras operation.

    Isola Di Famosi, Andrea Di Carlo vs. Alvin

    Dear Alvin, Rather than compete with Queen Ellary, Why don’t you strive to explain the evidence? Did you explain to Natalie that she could go free? I tell you. You didn’t explain it to him because you were checking out your best profile.” Di Carlo wrote on Instagram and then added:Also, she suggests in sibylline fashion: “I’ve spent less time with Gian Maria.” You see that This work is done by divine grace. But don’t you think you should be more neutral? You are a dear boy however Like you there are a thousand“.

    Alvin replied to Andrea Di Carlo

    Right now, Alvin preferred not to reply Accusations Andrea Di Carlo. Recently, the conductor confined himself to denying, for the umpteenth time, an alleged hatred with Ilary Blasey. The two have known each other for twenty years and are in great harmony.

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