Home science Intruders on your WhatsApp? Here’s how to find out

Intruders on your WhatsApp? Here’s how to find out

  Intruders on your WhatsApp?  Here's how to find out

After the last very dangerous move that affected Mark Zuckerberg’s social networks, namely Facebook, Instagram and The WhatsApp (block lasting 6 hours), concern is growing about the safety of these applications, which are now widely used by a large segment of the population.

As for the instant messaging platform developed by Facebook, many users fear that this could happen offside Inside its own archive, which can contain not only more or less secret conversations, but also photos, videos and other sensitive data, such as passwords and private contacts. It is now known that hackers are able to “hack” systems and steal InformationThis is why it is important to be able to recognize any attacks and build a protective wall, wherever possible.

In fact, there are very simple operations that are performed periodically to check the status safety for your application and realize in time that you may have ended up in the crosshairs of some hacker.

How to check if someone is using your WhatsApp?

One of the first tips is to scroll through everything that belongs to you from time to time Messages To the end, even those saved in the least used chats, in order to identify any suspicious messages received. Messages that must be reported immediately.

Another thing to do is to check your often Profile personly, because the person who is interested in the theft of a WhatsApp account can try to make changes, for example by changing his name, date of birth and status. The messaging platform itself can already detect some suspicious access on its own and decide to report it, so it is a good idea to always check the messages sent by WhatsApp.

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Another good habit is to always check Contacts Address book and check for unknown names. In case there are unknown contacts, it is a good idea to go ahead and remove them. Also pay attention to WhatsApp Web sessions: in any case, make sure that no one opens one without our knowledge.

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