The movie goes to save the ecosystem. On the occasion of World Environment Day, Rai 5 presents “Interactions. When cinema looks at nature ”, broadcast on Monday, June 5 at 21.15 on Rai 5. It is an ambitious collective and international cinematic project, in which 12 directors (or duos of directors) from All over the world by directing many films with eight films. Minutes each: The common theme is the relationship between man and nature, while the expressionist genre is free, and each director has chosen the film that best suits him, from the documentary to the animated film, from the comedy to the drama. The authors were chosen among the most representative of their nation and closest in sensitivity to the theme of the film: The producer and creator of the film is Adelina von Furstenberg, a very active and well-known international curator, who worked on the project with Art for the World, a UN-linked NGO that promotes artistic culture according to the environmental theme. The list of creators is itself representative of the international nature of the project: Fouzi Bensaadi (Morocco), Clemente Bicocchi (Italy), Anne de Carpucchia (France/USA), Takuma Quikoro (Amazon/Brazil), Oscar Mitsavat (Brazil) and Eric Nazarian ( Armenia/USA), Bettina Oberle (Switzerland), Idrissa Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso), Yolin Olizola, Robyn Imaz (Mexico), Neela Madhab Panda (India), Janice Rava (Greece), Isabella Rossellini and Andy Byers (Italy/USA).
“Interactions” are the first dates of the series “Doc is life!” , a cycle of documentaries that will be broadcast all summer, every Monday, on Rai5 with the first insights and distinguished works, with the most famous writers and the most popular productions Modern “Cinema of Reality”: between history and current events, with works from all over the world, wonders and drama , cultures, peoples, arts, nature and science, narrated by the most important documentaries on the international scene.