Home science Indoor sports banned due to the emergency, the gym moves to Valentino

Indoor sports banned due to the emergency, the gym moves to Valentino

Indoor sports banned due to the emergency, the gym moves to Valentino

Turin. Necessity becomes an opportunity. So Valentino turns into an outdoor gym. We’re not just talking about the sports you do on your own, but also about real organized group lessons, which coaches hold while maintaining safe distances. If the gyms remain closed, the gymnastic hours move to the lawns and are long Walks to the river. Thanks to the good weather too, these days inside the park, outdoor lessons held by coaches and personal trainers continue to proliferate. A breath of fresh air for a few hours not only for sports enthusiasts, but also for all people who have not been able to work in recent months.

“My lessons are held every Tuesday during lunch break – explains Emmanuel Enria, Feldenkrais coach – I teach practices that require style: This works by reorganizing the movements and actions we perform in everyday life in a functional way. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, I am no longer able to Taking lessons in the centers I teach: So I tried to reinvent myself in this way, even if we were in the orange zone. Obviously, I don’t have the same number of participants as it was before the virus, but at least that’s the way we work. ”

Good response from users who have decided not to give up sports, despite the limitations: “My students, once they learned that they were going to restart lessons, almost all of them – says Maria Cristina Fontanelli of Belvor Danza – only one 20 percent decided not to continue. “In Valentino from Monday to Thursday, from 6 pm to 9 pm, we succeed in working with great seriousness and commitment: open spaces provide calm. This is a winning step to continue working.”

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And so the park also becomes a new way to stay fit and social. Several coaches say they have reached new clients thanks to Valentino’s offer: “This solution allows us to move forward -” stresses Alice, the Heart Circuit mentor – we, frankly, never stopped. Indeed this winter, despite the cold temperatures, we continued to work because so many people felt the need to train. Once sport is discovered, it cannot be abandoned. ”

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