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Increases in their salaries from 1 July in excess of 100 euros, to whom are they entitled?

Increases in their salaries from 1 July in excess of 100 euros, to whom are they entitled?

From July 1, 2021, different categories of workers will receive a salary increase of more than €100. Who are the lucky recipients?

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There’s news coming, and it’s finally coming Positive news. Draghi’s CEO has decided that there will be salary increases for many workers as early as July 2021. Despite Italy’s large public debt and the economic crisis exacerbated by the pandemic, the salary increase will also bring amounts More than 100 euros.

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Which workers will get a wage increase?

Many Italians will be happy to read your next paycheck. The first increases were already seen in June, but it is July that will make many workers happy. The people who will receive financial assistance are those who have National employment contract. So we are talking about messengers, graphic designers, metalworkers, road transporters, and public administration workers.

The measure will surround it Other rewards which will be activated or expanded in the summer months and which in January 2022 will lead to the creation of one check Which will absorb all active bonuses.

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Metal workers, increases have already arrived


Many metal workers were able to see an increase in their salaries as early as June. The increase is accompanied by the renewal and changes to the National Collective Labor Agreement. Specifically, today they get to know each other Nine pay levels Thus, the minimum wage was updated divided into 4 steps per year.

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To illustrate the new dynamics, the old level 1 no longer exists but has been replaced by level D1 which combines 1 and 2 with an increase in base salary from €1330.54 to €1488.89 (158,35 euros). The increase will continue until June 2024 (when the new contract is expected to expire) up to a total amount of €228.57.

Couriers, carriers and new payment receipt


As for metal workers, the increase in their salaries is associated with the renewal of the national collective labor agreement. Small and medium-sized enterprise workers will get a raise €104 But this amount will not be paid one time but will be divided into different deadlines. In mid-June 2021, 23 euros were paid, in June 2022 another 25 euros will be received as well as in June 2023. Finally, in 2024, the last carriers and carriers will receive 33 euros.

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Graphs and PA, here are the increments

Graphics and publishing workers will receive a raise زيادة 300 EUR The amount to be paid in several installments. In June 2021, the first 200 euros will arrive, while the remaining 100 euros will arrive in June 2022.

Finally, public administration workers will be able to get an average raise 107 euros per month. The increase will not be the same for everyone but will depend on the type of profession being performed and the sector of reference. The reference range is between a minimum of 94.58€ and a maximum of 126€.

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