Home World In Germany the rush to AstraZeneca, the doses are barely enough –...

In Germany the rush to AstraZeneca, the doses are barely enough – the world

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In Germany, the AstraZeneca vaccine was passed on to family doctors after the suspension of priority by category on May 6 last year exclusively for this vaccine: the head of the North Rhine Pharmacy Association argues. “The AstraZeneca vaccine is so much in demand that the available quantities are barely enough,” the head of the North Rhine Pharmacists’ Union, Thomas Press, told the Rheinische Post.

The increase in demand is linked to the shortening of the interval to take the second dose, continues Bryce: “Reducing the vaccination period to four weeks makes the vaccine attractive to young people. They want to be ready for the next relaxation in restraints. With complete vaccination protection.” From a medical point of view, the Chief Pharmacist continues, “It is best to take the second dose after 12 weeks.”

In Germany, the Vaccination Committee (Stiko) recommended AstraZeneca only for those over the age of 60, after about thirty cases of stroke were discovered, especially in women under the age of 55.

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