In Australia, the Bundanon Museum of Art is a bridge between art and architecture | Architectural Digest Italia

     In Australia, the Bundanon Museum of Art is a bridge between art and architecture |  Architectural Digest Italia

    Even the technical details inside are as weighted and multifaceted as the exterior image of the bridge dwelling. Thompson managed it Combine aesthetics and functionality With a sustainable field study: the complex hides from fires in a natural hill, and heavy rains cannot damage the pillar structure. “The museum,” says the Victorian architect, “must be fireproof. On the other hand, bridges must be flexible and let the water flow freely.”

    The guest rooms and administrative offices are exclusively passively air conditioned; An advanced cross ventilation system and simple fans make any more expensive systems unnecessary. A solar power plant and an array of 27 geothermal cooling underground probesDeveloped in collaboration with consulting firm Atelier Ten, it makes power supply for the entire complex, including exhibition spaces and those for the collection, a zero-sum game.

    Interior view of the building.Rory Gardiner / PhotoDepartments

    A great example specifically for building museums, where it often remains conservation needs prevail over environmental needs. Bundanon shows that the two things can go hand in hand, moreover in a place particularly complicated by an out-of-control climate, and he does so under the sign of Arthur and Yvonne Boyd, who have dedicated lives to art, but also to themselves. Human ideals and l Save the land entrusted to them.

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