Home World I invite you to live my messages that I have presented to...

I invite you to live my messages that I have presented to you.

I invite you to live my messages that I have presented to you.

In her letter dated February 25, 1996, Our Lady urges us to live through the most important message she sent us.

Our Lady of Medjugorje in front of the Church of San Giacomo

This time, which has lasted since June 24, 1981, is marked by a unique event in the history of mankind, which is the presence of Our Lady among us in Medjugorje.

Medjugorje’s letter of February 25, 1996 to the dreamer Marija

Children! Today I invite you to transfer. This is the most important message That I gave you here. My children, I want each of you to be a bearer of my messages. I invite you, little children, to live the messages that I have provided you during these years. This time is a time of grace. Especially now that the Church invites you also to prayer and conversion. I too, little children, invite you to live my messages which I have given you during this time since they appeared here. Thank you for answering my call! “.


More than anything else, Our Lady wants our conversion to Christ. This is the center of the mission she came to accomplish in Medjugorje. That is why God sent her among us, To help us through his presence, advice, encouragement, and tireless patience, to find the only true path and meaning of our life: Jesus.

It reminds us that we live in a time of grace linked to his supernatural presence and the message he adds.Especially now that the Church invites you also to pray and convert. In reference to Lent at that time but it is much healthier now. Each of us, living united with Jesus, can be a valuable aid to another on the road to eternity.

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Let us not waste time and make good use of the messages you provided to us, God willing, and let us live them. Then we will fully realize our existence And we will become true witnesses of his messages first and foremost by example.

Simona Amapin

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