a Greta Thunberg Unexpected aired in the ranking of “New Monsters” stripping news. On the October 22 episode of Canale 5’s parody, in fact, the environmental champ was seen singing and dancing from the Stockholm theater on the occasion of the climate event. “Here we see Greta as the leading female,” explains the host Alessandro Ciani Then he commented sarcastically: “What an applause, despite the success that has harmed global warming.”
Before her, to win second place in the standings, You deserve it. In the program between the judges Teo Mamukari NS Maria de Filippi, viewers watched a real test of strength and courage for sale: a man was kicked there.
To prove this, the karateka asked Mammucari himself to perform. In short, between section NS You deserve it You can see some beautiful things. Although Greta Thunberg, Unleash like never before, outperformed the karate competitor in astonishment.
“Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover.”