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How to protect money…by investing

How to protect money...by investing

With a total balance of 1500 billion, the current accounts of the Italians are easily “attackable”. Here’s how to defend the money.

Asset Funds Protection
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It is not yet a regulated measure, but the possibility of an origin has not been previously ruled out. After all, growth prospects (even in the long run) always experience some slowdown. It will not be easy to get out of the crisis period suddenly, unexpectedly and with very heavy repercussions. Heart stasis, in some ways more clearly than it was in 2008, making Italy’s future full of unknowns rather than good wishes. For this reason, in this framework, nothing can be excluded. Not even loose mines for our money.

Assets, forced withdrawals … Tools that are likely to put our savings at risk exist, even if some of them have already been implemented in some respects. just think On commissions applicable to current accounts More than 5 thousand euros. In technical terms, we’re talking about stamp duty, and as happens with the Imu in the second house, these are fairly simple taxes to apply. Perhaps the current account is more than real estate.

Asset Spectrum: What to do to secure your money

The reason for exposing the current account to tax fire is simple. During the most difficult period of the epidemic and so far, the rescue trend of the Italians has been so sensitive that it has caused With an average balance of 1500 billion Put aside even the simplest form of investing. At the moment, the only real risk is stamp duty (or closing accounts over 100,000 euros) but it is not inappropriate to imagine another action. This is why reducing the weight of funds in the account can be a good solution, perhaps using other deposit tools (such as postage coupons, which can also generate interest).

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Therefore, the best solution to protect the money is not to keep it static so that you do not relive nightmares like the one that occurred in 1992, when the last estate was arranged. Government bonds also represent an excellent alternative, perhaps government bonds with a small remaining maturity, just enough to house the money. for example , multi-year treasury bills, expires in mid-2021, but also in 2022, like August BTP. Not to mention the forms of investing over multiple maturities, such as a third on a security repaid in 2022, or a BTP with repayment in May 2023. Chatting with an advisor from your credit institution can help.

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