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How to act in order not to risk penalties

How to act in order not to risk penalties

Hundreds of thousands of tax questionnaires are on the way. The citizens and businesses to whom the message is addressed should not be afraid but should know how to act to protect themselves.

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Receipt by registered mail Questionnaire from the tax authorities It is not a desirable event. It often indicates a tax assessment and you need to know how to act to avoid more in-depth checks or reports that could result in significant penalties. To answer or not to answer, doubt may come but the right alternative It’s only one.

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How to act in the event of receiving tax questionnaires

The Revenue Agency sends out questionnaires to citizens and businesses to collect data and information directly from the taxpayer. The recipient of the registered letter is not obligated to respond, but the tax authorities ask for their cooperation and warm consent.

The questions are intended to specify in detail tax position Taxpayers are asking for data, documents, news and information. The recipients are not chosen at random, by lottery, but are chosen because they are already under investigation.

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Who will receive the registered letter from the IRS?

revenue agency
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The taxpayers who will receive the registered letter from the tax authorities with the questionnaires to be filled in are individuals or companies They have investigations going on. The Revenue Agency may need to investigate the transactions made by the taxpayer, and therefore sends questions that can often turn to vile. Therefore, the emphasis on the answers to be given should be high because it will be exactly the answers given that you will avoid More in-depth examinations follow.

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To answer or not to answer?

The choice, at least, apparently, is the taxpayer. tax authority no need There are no penalties if the questionnaire is not completed and returned. Fines are expected, however, in the case of answers false or partial For amounts between 250 and 2000 euros.

Failure to respond will upset the revenue agency, which will almost certainly continue More checks. Checks will be more in-depth and aimed at detecting any slight discrepancies in your tax situation. Income and VAT will be checked in detail as granted Inductive evaluation. In fact, then, only one correct decision, to answer.

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What happens if surveys are not answered الرد

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Failure to respond to the questionnaire sent by the tax authorities will be subject to inductive assessment, a accounting control الرقابة So it will be difficult to justify all payments and income recorded. Moreover, by not sending the required documents, the documents cannot be used in any possible event tax rule. Thus, the defense will be more complex and the refusal will be viewed negatively by the revenue agency.

However, by answering the questionnaire, you will be provided with information that can make the tax authorities stop continuing with checks. Explanation of the movements considered suspicious and indicating the source of any suspicious amounts you will succeed The taxpayer can breathe a sigh of relief.

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