How much does a game show cost? sponsored by Gamescom Night Live opening? According to the data publicly shared by the organizer, you have to pay 85,000 euros for thirty seconds.
The the prices Decrease as minutes increase. For 60 seconds, €125,000 is required, while Gamescom’s Night Live asks “only” €165,000 for 90-second footage. For two minutes you get 210,000 euros. We specify that we are talking about those sponsored games/products, not every trailer shown during the event.
Gamescom, in a statement to, avoided explaining the matter in detail, but emphasized that most of the games featured at the event have their own space for it. Free. The US newspaper, which runs the PC Gamer Show, confirms the action: a large part of what is shown has editorial space, while a minor part is included as sponsorship/advertising.
It’s perfectly normal for Gamescom to run the event (which we remember cost a lot) in this way. What is not normal is the fact that the information has been placed on a site that is accessible to everyone. These details are usually “hidden”. You can see the information shared by Twitter.
instead turn into Costs of living Inside Gamescom, the cheapest version (which requires advance booking) to place the swatch costs €149.50 per square metre. However, if you exceed 500 square meters or 1000 square meters, there are discounts. If you stay abroad, you will pay 72 euros instead.
Finally, there is alsoDigital Partner PackageFrom 900 euros you are allowed to use the Gamescom brand or participate in operations such as “collaboration with Steam and other platforms” (eg for discounts with special features). It also appears that there are “special offers for independent clubs”.
Finally, we remind you of the opening date of Gamescom 2022 Opening Night.
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