How does it work and when does it arrive?

    Bonus agricoltura per il commercio elettronico: come funziona e quando arriva

    Applications for the new Agriculture Grant for 2022 will begin in September, which is a subsidy for agricultural and food companies to encourage investments in information technology infrastructures aimed at promoting e-commerce. Let’s take a closer look at how the measurement works.

    Agriculture Bonus E-Commerce: How It Works and When It Will Come

    The planting bonus will arrive in September 2022, the incentive for Agricultural and food businesswhich are also set up in a co-operative or incorporated into consortia or bound by the rules of the Wine Routes, for use in investing in E-Commerce Infrastructure.

    Let’s see all the details of the measurement in the following article.

    Agriculture Bonus 2022: What is it?

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    the new Agriculture Scholarship 2022 Consists of 40% tax deduction of the investments you support Agricultural and food business To create or expand information technology infrastructures aimed at promoting e-commerce.

    In detail, the costs incurred to build or expand IT Infrastructure It aims to promote electronic commerce, with particular reference to improving the possibility of remote sales to end customers residing outside the national territory, in order to create virtual tax deposits, when necessary, in foreign countries, to facilitate the requirement of agreements with customs agents, for the purposes of paying tax burdens and for activities and projects related to the increase in exports and related to the following:

    • software;
    • technological equipment
    • design and implementation;
    • Development of databases and security systems.

    Bonus can be used From 2021 to 2023 It cannot exceed the maximum number 50000 Euro for activity.

    Agriculture Scholarship 2022: Questions and Amounts

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    regarding Ordersreferring to expenditures made in 2021, the message will be sent From September 20 to October 20 2022. Within 10 days of the expiry of the application deadline, a requirement from the Revenue Agency will reveal the percentage of tax credit due to each applicant, based on the applications received and taking into account the total spending limit of €5 million.

    with reference to quantities Payable, however, the tax credit will be equal to 40% of the investments made and may not exceed:

    • The 50000 Euro for small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in primary production of agricultural products and for small and medium-sized agro-food enterprises;
    • The €25,000 For large companies engaged in primary production of agricultural products.
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