Hi-Fi Rush: Update 4 is available, and it fixes some bugs

    Hi-Fi Rush: Update 4 is available, and it fixes some bugs

    Tango Gameworks has released theUpdate 4 to Hi Fay Rush, a cool rhythm act that was surprisingly launched in January. The goal of the patch is to fix some files remaining bugs. Let’s see what it does in detail, as stated in the official release note:

    • A vulnerability that allowed players to continuously resell previously sold links has been removed. This makes the game more realistic, because you can’t sell something you no longer own.
    • Fixed an issue where the Specialized challenge would not unlock on the Wall of Glory even if you purchased all the special attacks in-game. (*note: the effect is retrograde, so if you have already purchased the attacks, the objective will automatically be recorded as completed*)
    • Fixed an issue where the beautiful hidden animation would not play when playing on the couch with 808 while wearing the Roquefort broadcast outfit.
    • Fixed a PSO buffering issue in the Microsoft Store version that caused delays during gameplay.
    • The shelter’s pillow softness has been adjusted to better recharge Shay when resting between missions.

    For the rest, we remind you that Hi-Fi Rush is available for PC and Xbox Series X / S. It can also be played via subscription game arcade. For more details, read our Hi-Fi Rush review.

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