Home science Here’s how Google resolved the audio latency issue for Android smartphones (graphic)

Here’s how Google resolved the audio latency issue for Android smartphones (graphic)

Here's how Google resolved the audio latency issue for Android smartphones (graphic)

Filippo Morganti

Don Turner is playing Android developer relationship engineer inside Google And he recently issued a post on Android Developer Blog Who updates the world on it Achieved results Thanks for working out Audio latency Conducted in The past four years.

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The Actions taken Together with a renewed one Attention by Producers From devices I already made it possible to get it Big improvements, Bearing Average response time From Android smartphone Most common is less than 40 ms. This value is completely within the required range for real-time applications.

just in 2017 The difference between the minimum and maximum latency values ​​for The most common devices It was 222 ms. Compare these data with those in the list 2021 The interval has been reduced to only 28 ms, Which provides a superior audio experience despite the presence of Smartphones from various OEMs. The information received refers to “Back and forth” audio latency Which includes Voice inputAnd the Processing H Audio output. to get Click-to-Tone LatencyWhich includes touching the screen to output the sound, they go 15 ms added Visual latency in the graphs at the end of the article. L ‘Long-term goal For Android audio engineers, the achievement of suns remains 10ms ’round trip’ latency.

Across: Android developers

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