Home entertainment Hear TV, Most Watched Premiere From January 10-16, 2021

Hear TV, Most Watched Premiere From January 10-16, 2021

Hear TV, Most Watched Premiere From January 10-16, 2021

See our Weekly TV Ratings Ranking on Public Networks: The most watched peak times are between January 10 and 16, 2021

New appointment with Top 10 From TV reviews of the first evenings of the past seven days on public networks. Habits aren’t changing at the moment, though shy Positive sign Introduction by Rai 2 with Anything is possible tonight Returning to the schedule on Tuesday January 12th, the game show this time hosted by Stefano Di Martino failed to score in the top 10. Transfer e what’s the weather like Broadcast on Rai 3. Broadcasting Segfredo Ranucci and Fabio Fazio I touched the tenth place.

So the champions of the ranking are again Rai 1 e Channel 5: The Governmental crisis Not affected programming (for now), the bulk of the week that is about to open will arrive between the critical conditions of politics in Italy and Inauguration Day That on the other side of the world, Joe Biden will officially see the position of the new president of the United States. All in all, what we’ve seen this week is a bunch of novels, sports and entertainment that has already proven itself at the bottom of the TV audience chart.

It starts with a show Baby Fiorillo I think that’s a dreamDespite the tepid performance, it made it into the 10 most viewed shows. over there New imagination From channel 5 Made in italy Makes his start in taking a respectable stance. In the middle of the graph we will find a file Italian Cup Which was marked in two main matches: Juventus with Genoa on one side and Milan with Turin on the other hand.

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Fiorella Mannoia can’t make fireworks with her new show on Rai 1. Sister Angela and Sister Costanza can smile while Che God heroes and Maria de Felipe help us. You’ve got mail.

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