Home World “He insulted Islam”, the transient businessman who was arrested in Thailand –...

“He insulted Islam”, the transient businessman who was arrested in Thailand – Ultima Ora

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele - Ultima Ora

(ANSA – AFP) – Kuala Lumpur, September 20 – A Malaysian transgender businesswoman wanted in her country has been arrested in Thailand for “insulting Islam” through “disguise”. He reported it to the police and now the Malaysian authorities are asking for his extradition.

The case of Noor Sagat, the owner of a cosmetics company, comes at a time when NGOs and activists are worried about worsening conditions for the gay community in the Muslim-majority country with the government recently announcing its intention to do so. Tougher laws against homosexuals. Sajat, 36, was charged in January in Kuala Lumpur with violating Sharia law for dressing as a woman at a religious event in 2018. She did not attend the hearing and fled Malaysia, but the court issued an arrest warrant.

The Star newspaper reported that the arrest took place on 8 September in a luxury apartment building in Bangkok.

Thilaja Sulatrah, co-founder of the Malaysian transgender group Justice for Sisters, denounced that “the continuing persecution against Nur Sajat is emblematic of the climate of repression against the LGBT community”. “The police should immediately stop all investigations and harassment against Sagat,” he added. (ANSA – Agence France-Presse).

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