Home Tech Green Pass on iPhone and Android: How to Always Get It

Green Pass on iPhone and Android: How to Always Get It

Green Pass on iPhone and Android: How to Always Get It

August 6 is approaching, the date on which green pass It will become necessary to access various internal sites. Not only bars and restaurants, but also various places of culture, entertainment and sports.

To get to it it will not be enough to have the green pass, but it will be necessary to show it at the time of entry. Printing it can undoubtedly be a possible solution, but it can be impractical and convenient. There is a risk of forgetting it at home, or that the paper is damaged and illegible or lost (with the risk of letting others access your sensitive data).

The solution is more comfortable and less likely to survive without the green lane smart phone. It is available to both those who own an iPhone, and therefore with the iOS operating system, and to Android users. For both you can first download a fileio . appWhere the certificate is obtained directly. Alternatively, it can be downloaded from Location for the government.

Those who have downloaded it from the site or even those who have installed an IO app and are afraid to go offline at the time of viewing the certificate, can choose this simple solution. save the file by yourself device, assign it to a specific folder – ideally just the green path inside – to speed up opening it.

Another solution is to take one screenshot subordinate QR Code And save the image in the gallery Pictures from your device. Tip: To prevent it from getting lost among selfies, photos of friends, relatives, or anything else, it’s helpful to create a private photo album to find it more quickly if needed.

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Who owns Iphone You may want to use their own Apple Wallet For quick access to the certificate. In the coming weeks, the interaction between the IO app and the wallet should arrive, allowing you to save the card directly into your iPhone app. At the moment, this tool is still under construction, so those who want it will have to rely on sites like CovidPass, which will do the conversion to the appropriate format to upload to Wallet.

There are also significant hardware delays Android, with Google activating the ability to recall the card as quickly as it happens with the use of Google Pay (an app that wouldn’t be necessary, is just an example). The beginning of this plan is currently related to the USA only, while it has not been specified whether and when the initiative will reach Italy.

Where it will be necessary to introduce the green lane

L ‘Green Pass Commitment It will start as said on August 6th. It will be valid in many indoor locations, while it can be accessed outdoors even without a certificate. This is especially valid for bars and restaurants: it will be needed inside the green lane, not outside.

But where will the green lane be introduced? Here is the list of places:

  • Restaurants and bars.
  • Museums
  • Parties;
  • Sports competitions
  • cultural centers;
  • Spas.
  • gyms.
  • Swimming pool;
  • thermal centers
  • Health facilities;
  • fairs, festivals and conferences/conferences;
  • parties and receptions;
  • Games rooms and bingo halls.
  • public competitions.

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