Home Tech Google Play Points arrives in Italy: Here’s how they work

Google Play Points arrives in Italy: Here’s how they work

Google play points CV

It was fall 2018 when Google Launch Play Points, A program that rewards buyers for Play Store. It took so long for the program to take off globally that as of yesterday there were only nine countries the service had reached.

With today’s additions, that number has doubled, as there are 13 new entries, including ten European countries, including Italy. The full list includes Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden to Switzerland, as well as South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

We remind you that the purpose of the program is to encourage the purchase of applications and games on Play Store, With Dell’1% Cash Back In points, although the percentage may differ slightly depending on the level reached. For the first week after registration, you will receive a special welcome bonus, equal to three times the points earned per purchase. Points accumulated can be used to earn coupons, in-app purchases, and credits to spend on Google apps.

By accumulating a certain number of points throughout the year, you will be promoted to the next levels, with a greater return in terms of points and benefits. The level reached during the calendar year will be maintained until the end of the next year, even if the user does not make further purchases. For more details on rewards and levels, please refer to This page.

If you are a regular buyer of paid apps on the Play Store, this is good news, as a percentage of the money spent will return regularly. It is a pity that this is a funny, and unattractive percentage for all users who just download free apps and ignore paid apps.

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