Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, and more are destroying our minds: Science raises the health alarm | If you use it this way you will hurt yourself

    Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, and more are destroying our minds: Science raises the health alarm |  If you use it this way you will hurt yourself
    Unbridled use of GPS can harm our health –

    The apps we use every day to orient ourselves can have serious consequences for our minds. Using Google Maps, Apple Maps, or any other program may seem like a harmless practice. In fact, some studies have shown that brain activity is inhibited when this type of application is relied upon: obviously we are talking about areas of the brain associated with the emission of signals that occur when we try to orient ourselves.

    Until recently, to get to a certain place you had to do what you could. Most of the time this resulted in frequent stops along the way to ask for information. Then, as we all know, technological developments took over, offering us new alternative solutions. However, smartphones did not arrive immediately.

    In the beginning there was Google Maps And when our cell phones internet connection was still not reliable, we relied on it On the printed version of the indicators In this way, we had a path to follow faithfully on our journey. Today things have changed even more. Evolution in the scope of applications For smartphones, they have created a series of solutions that you can easily follow. The applications are many and they are all very valid: there WazeAnd Google MapsAnd Apple Mapsand so on and so forth.

    Sometimes it’s better to close your eyes to the GPS

    in human nature, the brain It has evolved to provide us with many possibilities. Our “command center” is still largely unknown. What is known, however, is that Some areas are designated to manage certain activities. When one of these activities is questioned, Neural connections strain at work and find ways to become stronger. From this point of view, the brain is a wonderful, wonderful machine. However, what we don’t always consider is that You must keep him trained.

    Sometimes it’s good to break away from the GPS and rely on your own orientation skills –

    In fact, a study showed that When we rely a lot on apps that direct us with a GPS signalAreas designated for doing this type of activity are turned off. For this reason, it is not always convenient to use applications for this purpose. every time, It is recommended that you try to orient yourself, perhaps when doing short stretches or approaches that do not offer high degrees of difficulty. And then, there’s always the old solution: Just ask for information for passersby.

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