Home science Google Drive is revolutionizing how links work: what is changing for users?

Google Drive is revolutionizing how links work: what is changing for users?

Google Drive is revolutionizing how links work: what is changing for users?

Phyto Laminafra

New security update coming Google Drive: This will matter How do links in documents work? Thus how to share files, both for “normal” profiles and for those workspaces.

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from September 13To access a shared file for the first time, it will be necessary to have a file private URL, which contains a “resource key” which will serve as an additional form of security. This URL must be generated by someone who has already viewed the file or is obviously the same owner, using existing tools made available by Google Drive. Users will get workspaces instead More control It can be changed through Control unit Google adminSome options related to these new URLs.

But what exactly is changing? Actually this update will be Completely invisible to “normal” users, but Google reported that the links created are currently إنشاؤه They may no longer work As of September 13th, and therefore can be received Several requests to access the file previously shared.

Across: Android Police

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