Home Tech Goodbye, star color, no longer afraid of gray hair

Goodbye, star color, no longer afraid of gray hair

Goodbye, star color, no longer afraid of gray hair

The joy of Andy McDowell from Spain Caroline Monaco gray hair

If we were told a few months ago that Hollywood stars and crowned presidents would take part in social events regardless of gray hair, we wouldn’t believe it. Instead, another taboo fell, swayed by the heady winds of body positivity. Recently, women have learned not only to accept, but also to proudly show cellulite, Stretch markswrinkles, acne marks…so why not do it with the hair turning silver? A sign of women’s emancipation, self-acceptance and the passing of time. So bye bye, Lon, and welcome regrowth.

Gray hair, a red carpet trend

Paladin for years of natural hair, Jamie Lee Curtis She also showed off her gorgeous silver haircut on the red carpet for venezia 78, Beautiful and roaring in animal dress Dolce & Gabbana. A few months ago, at the Cannes Film Festival selection Andy McDowell, For the first time in public with gray hair. in dress Prada The salt and pepper felt in the wind left everyone speechless. “If it happens George Clooney, why I can not? He said to comment on his decision. There was also a brilliant fellow to help her out on the Croisette: Jodie Foster. Initially on a photo call and then on the red carpet, the actress presented herself with silver strands framing her face, without losing an ounce of glamour.

regrowth? no longer a problem

And from the red carpet to social media, the step is short. There are many stars who, if necessary, show themselves for a selfie with natural hair. NS Gwyneth Paltrow Covering gray hair is definitely not an obsession: far from it. Stand for a photo to share on Instagram without paying attention to the silver strands ripping through the blonde hair. Moreover Jennifer Aniston She shows herself without problems with natural roots, only she declared in the past: “I will not lie, I do not want gray hair.”

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Carolina Monaco and Spanish Letizia with salt and pepper hair

Letting gray hair free to grow is a trend that also appeals to the high nobility. Caroline Monaco For example, color has now completely abandoned it. She started by letting some silver strands adorn her hair, then moved on to the “total silver” twist. not even for Letizia Spain Shade is a priority. The Queen has shown herself on more than one occasion in public without retouching the color, with large locks of salt and pepper on her long brown hair.

Even Eva Longoria, always glamorous, posted a selfie on social media featuring gray hair. Do you think he is? See the exhibition…

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