Home sport Golf at Appiano, Triumph of Solidarity – Corriere di Como

Golf at Appiano, Triumph of Solidarity – Corriere di Como

Golf at Appiano, Triumph of Solidarity - Corriere di Como

“Success beyond all expectations; The message of solidarity towards an association like Vidas, whose commitment has always been greatly appreciated. The participation of the participants in our event confirms this ». Raffaella Guidotti, Lions Club Milano Host’s contact person, makes no secret of her satisfaction. Held yesterday at Club Pinetina in Appiano Gentile, the charity golf competition organized with Lions Club Milano Golf St. Andrews.

107 participants in the field. Membership fees are donated to the Vedas Association, whose mission since 1982 is “to treat those who are no longer able to heal, so that they can live in dignity until the last moment – explained on its website – that is why we guarantee every day of the year social and health assistance.” Complete for more than 200 incurable patients and their families, in their homes and hospices, Casa Vidas and Casa Sollievo Bimbi ».
The aim of the event at Appiano Gentile was to raise funds for equipment to measure the vital parameters of younger patients: “A number that has been greatly surpassed – confirms Raffaella Guidotti – also thanks to donations from people who wanted to be close to this solidarity initiative and did not play: Goal: In fact, it was tangible to help Vedas and his business. ”

Since charity work was the priority for Sports Day at Pinetina di Appiano, the organizers themselves did not announce the list of winners. A request has also arrived from the participants themselves, with a laudable explanation that the charity – about 10,000 euros raised – should be done without spotlight nor on display. However, the award given at the end of the day is worth mentioning, “Melvin Jones”, awarded to Barbara Nova, who has always been close to the Lions and all of their initiatives.

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