Games, Record Ries: Here are the indications for Sapar

    Games, Record Ries: Here are the indications for Sapar

    Sapar announces that “in order to register for 2022 on the Ries List, it is possible to access the reserved area (top right of the home page of the site). from the Adm portal with Spid, digital signature and electronic ID card.

    In order to make new registrations for 2022, it is necessary to create new access credentials because those that were previously issued will no longer be usable.

    Authorization request

    Once logged in, it is necessary to proceed according to this path: “My profile – access to the service. After entering the company data (or specifying the company name if it already exists), follow the following path: Authorizations – Request authorizations “(The authorization required is” 6 spacer devices for remote functions”).


    Once you have obtained the above authorization to access the functions of the Ries List, it is necessary to follow the following path, always in the reserved area: “Interactive – Games – Remote Services, Devices with Cash Prizes and Topic List”.

    Add delegates

    It is possible to add people to be delegated to perform operations by the following procedure: In the “My Authorizations” section, click “Authorization Delegates” then “Add Delegation” – “Authorization Type” – “Direct Delegation” (if the delegate is an external person to the company ) or “delegation” (if the delegate is an internal person in the company) – “add”.

    • As reported by the Customs and Monopolies Agency, documents sent to the protocol before 2.15pm on June 21, 2022 may not have been uploaded correctly. In this case, it is necessary to try again with the “Get and send the signed document” function, concludes Sapar.

    Download the educational videos at the following links:

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

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