Home science Fortnite, a mysterious countdown has appeared: what it is

Fortnite, a mysterious countdown has appeared: what it is

Fortnite, a mysterious countdown has appeared: what it is

Several players have noticed the countdown has appeared in Fortnite. This is what it could be

It is an electronic game
A new countdown has appeared on Fortnite. Here’s what it might indicate (Twitter screenshot)

true countdown. This morning players It is an electronic game They woke up with a pleasant surprise, although it is not yet known what it is. a lot of Reports on Twitter and Reddit, where users wonder what it might have to do with the countdown.

We have already talked about the possible launch date of the eventحدث Ariana Grande concert. Could this be another clue about that? Or maybe it’s another totally exclusive and surprising event. What is certain is that Epic Games He didn’t leave anything to chance, and he would like it Amaze everyone again.

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Fortnite, what the countdown could indicate

It was known China leaker To post the first countdown photo on Twitter. As can be seen from the picture, they have lost 10 days to expiration From the countdown to the new event. But what can it be related to? Many users are convinced that this is a file Ariana Grande’s live concert, While something unexpected may happen to others Coral Castle. There’s even talk of mass destruction, with the map being revolutionized once again.

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Between possible assumptions and assertions, the only thing to do is wait for it Epic Games Release some additional information. Or those new clues appearing inside Fortnite. Or again, that data agents and dropouts are capable of Other Evidence Steal Inside the game files.

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