Home Economy Fisco, from October, has changed the way to access online

Fisco, from October, has changed the way to access online

Fisco, from October, has changed the way to access online

From October 1, 2021 Citizens access to Online services Delrevenue agency Based on revenue collection agency It can only happen with Spide, You are (Electronic ID Card(e Cns)National Service Charter). This was reported by the Revenue Agency, warning that “the dismissal of Fiscoline username and password, will be held in Midnight September 30, 2021From that moment on. Three numeric keys – Spid, Cie and Cns – It will only be valid for online services. However, nothing changes for professionals and companies who will for the time being able to continue to use their existing Fiscoline and Entratel credentials.

Spid, Electronic ID Card and National Service Card are access keys Which makes it possible to use all the remote services of the tax officer. Services that already early 8 months a year, they have Recorded more than 44 million hits For tax withdrawals (+32.5%), more than 1 million lease contracts and 2 million public bonds registered electronically, as well as 400,000 documents sent through the SEVIS service. To these numbers must be added I 4 million visits, registered in the same period, in the reserved area of ​​the revenue collection agency. A “world” of services has been enriched over the years with new opportunities for citizens, who on more and more occasions can communicate with tax authorities directly from the computers in their homes. Tele channels are now a standard reality for the services provided by the revenue agency.

In the first eight months of 2021, I 32.5% more access Compared to the same period last year, it amounted to 33.2 million. About two million public bonds were registered electronically until August 31, while contracts registered via electronic services exceeded one million, which is equivalent to 90% of the total registered contracts. Beginning October 1, 2021, only Spid, Cie, and Cns will open doors to citizens for these and other Revenue Agency services that can be used over the web without having to go to the counter.

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Nothing changes, Instead of that Services available to users Without the need to register, such as checking tax code, checking VAT number and booking appointments. At the moment, the new authentication methods do not interest professionals and companies: in fact, Fisconline, Entratel or Sister credentials will continue to be issued to natural persons with VAT numbers and legal persons (PNF) even after October 1. 2021. With a Specific Executive DecreeIn accordance with the requirements of the Digital Governance Act, the rules for these categories of users will then be established. In the January-September 2021 period, despite the suspension of collection activities due to the Covid emergency, approximately 4 million taxpayers were able to access the Reserved Area web services (almost 60% of all website accesses). Of those, given the given period, about 70% used the Check Your Status service to check the status of their folders.