First positive but not stellar FPS to hit Xbox Game Pass –

    First positive but not stellar FPS to hit Xbox Game Pass -

    Less than 24 hours after launch, the high on life It’s done, giving us the chance to get an idea of ​​the international press’ impressions of this whimsical shooter for Xbox Series X | S, One, PC and Game Pass created by Justin Roiland, co-founder of Rick and Morty. At the moment I am first rows (unfortunately few) positivebut there are also some temptations.

    These are the reviews of High On Life reviews currently available online:

    • Xbox era – 90
    • Monster Vine – 90
    • 80- God is obsessed
    • Game Rant – 80 (4 out of 5 stars)
    • Content Saving – 80 (4 stars out of 5)
    • GamexPlain – (Unrated, “Loved It”)
    • Craptor – 80
    • Worth playing – 75
    • Soon – 75
    • Destruction – 55
    • But why is that? – 30

    On OpenCritic, the average review for High on Life is 74 At the time of this writing. However, keep in mind that only about ten reviews are counted at the moment and several important publications are missing: Squanch Games apparently only sent copies to the press on Friday, so it’s clear that many reviewers are still dissecting the game’s contents.

    Those who gave High on Life as Worth Play a positive vote appreciated the dark humor that characterizes the Squanch Games title and found the shooting and exploration mechanics sufficiently satisfying, though not particularly innovative. Several crashes and bugs have also been reported, which we hope will be fixed in the coming days.

    Overall, High on Life is a solid adventure and first-person shooter. The action is exciting and the boss fights are frustrating in difficulty but satisfying once you take them down. An area to discover secrets and you just wish there were more environments to explore. It’s all with the longevity, but Only if you’re a fan of humor. Even if you’re not, the adventure is worth experiencing at least once,” states our Tech Raptor review.

    But why is that? Instead, he botched the game with a score of 3 out of 10. He couldn’t stand the constant chatter of talking weapons voiced by Justin Roiland himself, and also found the game overall disappointing in every way.

    Anyone who isn’t thrilled at the idea of ​​having Roiland constantly chattering in his ear for twelve hours straight will likely find the game’s constant need to impose itself on the player annoying. Add to that the uninspired combat, frustrating exploration, and lack of anything else to offer players, High on Life is one of the most annoying, derivative, and taxing experiences in years.

    High on Life will be available tomorrow for Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One and PC. It will also be included in the PC and Xbox Game Pass catalog.

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