Final Fantasy 16 could break a modern saga tradition –

    Final Fantasy 16 could break a modern saga tradition -

    Final Fantasy He’s been in a strange situation for some time now. It is one of the major names of Square Enix and it is undeniable that each new chapter is awaited by the fear of many players, both historical who do not react terrified in the face of the most action drift of recent years, both players and the first time they have touched the franchise. At the same time, there is always a little Doubts about a new chapter.

    One reason is that for a few years now, it seems like every major project in the saga is struggling to get started. Let’s first think about Final Fantasy 14 Online, a total failure in its first version, but reborn in style with A Realm Reborn and for many, it has become one of the best games ever, expansion expansion, and also from a narrative point of view.

    Let’s move on to Final Fantasy 15, the infamous project that arose from the ashes of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Just the fact that the second team managed to get everything back on its feet, transforming and tweaking the original source here and there, seems like a small miracle. Of course, you can see that the game is not everything you want, but it still managed to become one of the best-selling chapters in the saga (it is difficult to find very accurate numbers, but we are talking probably about 10 / 11 million copies: it could be the second or The third best-selling Final Fantasy of all time).

    Plus, we have Final Fantasy 7 Remake, which was revealed at E3 2015 and quickly criticized for ditching the classic turn-based ATB system in favor of hybrid ATB action battle. Even the initial character design was not particularly appreciated (in fact it was later modified). Let’s not forget that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdividing it into several chapters caused an outcry scandal. Years later, it became one of the fans’ favorite games, with an amazing technical sector, a satisfying combat system and narrative that was able to respect the original while delivering some interesting news.

    Final Fantasy 16
    Final Fantasy 16

    And now? We are now looking forward to Final Fantasy 16 (Yes, 7 remake Part 2 too, but it’s too early to think about it.) As we’ve seen today, development is in its final stages and that means a new show may be upon us. Most importantly, it is now possible to start with the hope that early 2023 will be the exit period.

    Regardless of the hopes, there is a consideration to be made. We’ve seen quite a bit of this new chapter and really know the bare minimum of framing it as an action RPG. However, we can note one thing. Final Fantasy 16 She doesn’t seem to have any problem.

    Contrary to all the projects mentioned, Final Fantasy 16 It appears to be a project in development on a regular basis, with no drama or serious criticism from the public. Yes, there is a segment of gamers who still want to go back to the classic rounds, but it’s a scream that has lost its power and has been reverberating in the background for so long that we don’t notice much now. We love them in turn but now Final Fantasy has chosen another path, understandably).

    Looks like Final Fantasy 16 owns it Break unpleasant tradition which the saga has been carrying for many years now. Obviously everything needs to be confirmed, but since the first trailer we’ve had a strong impression that this is a healthy project, especially since the first video suggested graphics that don’t give the impression that they are fake, or even just technically advanced. We know it may sound counterintuitive, but seeing a trailer for Final Fantasy that seems to want to see itself with plot and gameplay rather than the graphical presentation is reassuring.

    And then it’s Naoki Yoshida’s words that really make us hope: “Many people have grown up, got started, realized reality isn’t as easy as video games, and at some point gave up on Final Fantasy. They want to remember the passion they once had.”

    Final Fantasy 16 gives us confidence, not only because it looks interesting (the plot hints, world, legends and gameplay are minimal but still interesting), but above all because it looks like it. Well managed job by producers and developers. We really hope we are not wrong.

    Parliamone is a daily opinion column that provides a starting point for discussion on the news of the day, a small editorial written by a member of the editorial team but not necessarily the editorial line

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