“Fifty docs for a construction site, I lose 4 days a month”


    There are monthly VAT payments, and only smaller companies have quarterly due dates. There are Social Security deadlines: quarterly for the owner craftsman and monthly for any employee. Then the electronic invoices that have a deadline of ten days. Once again compiling the sectoral studies. Then again the maturity of the bank. Not to mention all the bureaucracy associated with suppliers and customers. To this must be added deadlines for municipal taxes. An authentic Babylon in which it is difficult to redeem the soul. “In my sector, but I know that it is not much different in relation to other sectors – explains Alessandro Zadro, construction craftsman from San Vito – suffice it to say that fifty documents are needed to be able to start a small construction site. We had to hire a part-time employee: approx. Half of her working time goes to paperwork.”

    lost days

    With seven employees at construction company Alessandro Zadro, it is impossible to imagine that the owner could go straight into things. “If I had to take care of all the paperwork myself, it would take three to four days a month. How can this be done? So much time stolen from the work and productivity of the company.” Thus, but like him, the vast majority of craftsmen and small enterprises, even With only one employee, you must at least rely on the accountant.” Without that – the small building contractor also responsible for the construction class at Confartigianato Fvg – argues inconsolably – I think that in Italy no one who wants to focus on their work can afford themselves the luxury of not being Owning it”. Clerks and management accountants are a major cost to the company. But otherwise, it would be very difficult to rid oneself of the offices of Revenue Agency, Inps, Inail, Provincial Agency and Municipalities.

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    “And though I assigned the bureaucratic tasks of an administrative employee, who in turn has relations with institutions and the accountant, I have not completely avoided it.” Because there are bureaucratic tasks that the employer, for a series of knowledge and skills which he alone possesses, must perform personally. “The bureaucracy that is directly linked to construction sites is difficult to delegate unless a special employee is trained. Just think that to start a construction site, even a small one, you need something like fifty documents. From the Durc (Contribution Regularity Document which should have been simplified, editor) to the myriad of licenses required by various bodies. A risk assessment document is also provided: the risks must be calculated for each treatment stage. Many documents are linked to each operating site.”

    in the office

    “When I have to prepare – continued the small entrepreneur – the specific site safety plan is not enough for half a day due to the difficulty. The time I’m in the office and not on the construction site. And then we say that all these documents, by law, should always be on the site in the case of checks. But instead of a lot of paperwork, a USB stick will suffice. However, the bureaucracy, despite the fact that the Internet has been helping in recent years, still loves paper and not digital so much. ”

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